Healthcare professionals in hospitals, clinics, and long-term care need reliable access to information to ensure optimal patient care.
The challenge is meeting this goal while addressing the need for staff mobility, high patient data privacy, and the ability to work within tight budgets.
Inuvika has the solution.
Inuvika OVD Enterprise creates secure virtual workspace environments that connect health professionals to applications and patient information regardless of where they are or which device they use. It combines secure data access with mobility, letting practitioners make fast and informed decisions that result in better patient care.
OVD centralizes Windows and Linux apps and data and delivers them to users within a familiar desktop or Web portal interface. Regardless of whether staff are roaming the hospital floor, or working offsite, they still have real-time access to healthcare applications and information.
Best of all, Inuvika healthcare solutions are up to half the cost of other solutions, helping IT departments lower costs and maximize their budgets.
Read how Inuvika reduces the cost and complexity of delivering applications
We’ll show you how Inuvika can deliver an exceptional virtual desktop and apps
experience at less than half the cost of Citrix or VMware Horizon (Omnissa).