December 20, 2018.
Leading Services Provider
OVD Enterprise enables T-Systems SA to add a secure and cost effective application virtualization solution to their portfolio. T-Systems’ digital workplace solution addresses modern IT challenges like workforce mobility, supporting new devices like tablets and smartphones, and the need for IT departments to deliver new services quickly and securely.
Kevin Gallagher, CEO da Inuvika Inc., disse: "Partnering with T-Systems South Africa creates a new pathway for customers to move their application workloads securely and cost-effectively to the cloud. As a leader in cloud computing services, T-Systems is in a unique position to build and support the modern digital workplace. Their impressive record of providing technology services to over 100 blue chip companies demonstrates clear market leadership and commitment in South Africa. We look forward to working closely with T-Systems and Pinnacle to deliver new value to customers."
OVD Enterprise is available through T-Systems SA offices. To contact T-Systems SA, visit their website:
Pinnacle is an authorized Distribution Partner for Inuvika in South Africa. To contact Pinnacle, visit their website:
Sobre a Inuvika:
A Inuvika é uma empresa canadense com sede em Toronto, Ontário, e um escritório de desenvolvimento em Caen, na França. Nossa solução, o OVD Enterprise, permite que as organizações forneçam aplicativos virtualizados do Linux e do Windows para qualquer dispositivo, sem o custo e a complexidade da VDI ou de outras soluções.
OVD delivers apps through private or public clouds, is easy to deploy and can be managed from a single Web console. Users can access apps and hosted shared desktops through any HTML5 browser; Windows, Linux or macOS desktop; iOS and Android mobile devices; and Chromebook.
Nossa rede de parceiros globais de revendedores e parceiros de serviços hospedados fornece OVD a clientes em 32 países e continua crescendo. Para obter mais informações, envie um e-mail: [email protected]