ITSNET SPA Becomes Hosted Services and Reseller Partner for OVD in Chile - Inuvika

ITSNET SPA se torna parceira de serviços hospedados e revendedor da OVD no Chile

September 13, 2017

Toronto, Canadá – Inuvika Inc. has authorized ITSNET as our newest Hosted Services and Reseller partner for OVD Enterprise in Chile. OVD delivers virtualized Windows and Linux applications fromprivate or public clouds to any device, without the cost and complexity of traditional solutions like VDI.

ITSNET provides IT infrastructure, cloud and consultation services to a range of organizations in Chile. Their combination of expertise in both Cloud and on premise infrastructure solutions represents a unique opportunity for delivering virtualized application solutions on the OVD Enterprise platform.

Kevin Gallagher, CEO of Inuvika Inc. said: “We are very pleased to partner with ITSNET. They bring more than a decade of expertise in delivering IT solutions and services to the Chilean market. Their strong foundation in cloud and outsourcing service makes them uniquely-positioned to provide customers with a choice in how to deploy OVD Enterprise. We look forward to working with them.”

OVD Enterprise is available through ITSNET’s main office in Santiago, Chile. To contact ITSNET, visit their website at:


Our mission is to provide solutions that meet every IT service need and deliver high quality datacenter services. We adapt to our customers’ requirements by providing them with integrated and customized solutions, guaranteeing reliability, security and availability of their information systems.

E-mail: [email protected]

Sobre a Inuvika

A Inuvika é uma empresa canadense com sede em Toronto, Ontário, e um escritório de desenvolvimento em Caen, na França. Nossa solução, o OVD Enterprise, permite que as organizações forneçam aplicativos virtualizados do Linux e do Windows para qualquer dispositivo, sem o custo e a complexidade da VDI ou de outras soluções.

O OVD fornece aplicativos por meio de nuvens privadas ou públicas, é fácil de implementar e pode ser gerenciado a partir de um único console da Web. Os usuários podem acessar aplicativos e desktops compartilhados hospedados por meio de qualquer navegador HTML5; desktops Windows, Linux e macOS; e dispositivos móveis iOS e Android.

Nossa rede de parceiros globais de revendedores e parceiros de serviços hospedados fornece OVD a clientes em 30 países e continua crescendo.

Para obter mais informações, envie um e-mail: [email protected]